Palos Verdes Peninsula Unified School District

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Elementary/EL Coach's Corner

dare to teachThe most valuable resource teachers have is each other.
Teacher resources applicable to all grade levels can be found by clicking on the "Teacher Resources" picture. Grade specific resources and information can be found by clicking on the picture for that grade level. Additional information and resources will continue to be added.
teacher resources
TK Kindergarten 1st grade
2nd grade 3rd grade 4th grade 5th grade
teacher resources
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* Reading Quotes Posters - downloadable posters with quotes about reading
WondersWonders Resources:
Combination Classrooms:
See attached COMBO Folder for implementing Wonders in a Combination Classroom at the K-1, 1-2,2-3, 3-4, or 4-5 levels.
* i-Ready - Getting Good Data - links to powerpoints and videos to show your students on the importance of taking the diagnostics seriously
* Connections Playlist: Access to relevant resources through the Digital Library (Caaspp) to help address needs of students based on IAB performance.
* Fluency Resources from Achieve the Core at different grade spans
* Inferencing Handout - Details to look for within texts
* Writing Workshop with Momentum in Teaching - PowerPoint Day 1
* Writing Workshop with Momentum in Teaching - Day 1 Resources
* BTH 4 box paper - story map for sketching the Big Thing that Happened
*K-8 Pre/Post On Demand Writing Assessment Prompt (Narrative, Informational, and Opinion)
* Writing Workshop with Momentum in Teaching Day 2 Google Drive link to resources for TK-2 Teachers - 
* Types of Writing - All 3 types on one page - structure map - pick any topic and have students plan a piece about that topic in all 3 genres of writing - Types of Writing map
* List of Mentor Texts to support a variety of "Writers' Crafts" in Writers Workshop
* Possible Teaching Points - a starting point
* Numberless Word Problems - great for teaching students how to break down word problems without going straight to trying to solve. - A GUIDE to Writing Numberless Word Problems
Supplemental Resource for use where MIF needs enhancing.
* Balanced Assessments
* Connections Playlist: Access to relevant resources through the Digital Library (Caaspp) to help address needs of students based on IAB performance.
* Phenomena for NGSS - 
* Exploratorium - Science Snacks - Tons of little lessons/activities around a variety of subject areas - check them out!
* Science News Articles for kids
   - DOGO News
social studies
English Learners
General Resources:
* Parent Guide to Understanding the ELPAC - link to folder with several language versions available
ELPAC - English Language Proficiency Assessments for California
Initial ELPAC
    *Completing the Initial ELPAC Process - Quick Reference Guide
    * Listening Domain - Information Sheet
    * Speaking Domain - Information Sheet
    * Reading Domain - Information Sheet
    * Writing Domain - Information Sheet
Summative ELPAC
    * Transitioning from paper to computer-based Summative
    * Listening Domain - Information Sheet
    * Speaking Domain - Information Sheet
    * Reading Domain - Information Sheet
    * Writing Domain - Information Sheet
Suggested Examiner to Student Ratio by Grade Span
    * K-1:  one on one
    * Grade 2: 1-10 students per Test-Examiner
    * Grade 3-12: 1-15 students per Test-Examiner
Reclassification Information - from the CDE
* The Shifts and ELLs - Implementing the Common Core with English Language Learners
ELPAC Resources:
Starting Smarter - for parents and families to learn more about domains tested and see sample score reports for the ELPAC and/or the CAASPP
Stanford School of Ed - Supporting ELs in Mathematics
* 2019 - Reading A-Z Correlation Chart - includes Lexile, ATOS (AR), and Fountas and Pinnell correlations among others.
CAASPP - Setting up a test session in TOMs (review if you need it)
Smart Content Explorer - a user-friendly web tool that helps bridge the gap between the language of test developers and the language used by teachers in the classroom every day. It combines the information provided in the Smarter Balanced Content and Item Specifications—key resources used in test and item development—into an easy-to-use search interface. Users can access customized content generated by a quick search—by subject, grade, and target or standard—which includes the following:

·          Sample test items

·          Standard and target alignment

·          Depth of knowledge levels

·          Evidence statements

·          Guidance for selecting appropriate stimuli

·          Task models

Accessing Target Reports through CAASPP - a video instructional guide
* see your grade level below for released questions with answers/standards attached
CAASPP Blueprints
Guide to 2019-20 Interim Assessments Overview - info on the IABs and the FIABs
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* Read Aloud Project for K-2 - 126 Lessons for read aloud books
* Kinder Narrative Teaching Points from Momentum in Teaching 
* PowerPoint slide notes from Momentum In Teaching Writers Workshop Training Day 1 - TK/Kinder
* 5 Sample Writing Workshop Units for TK and K (has some great ideas and teaching points to get you started).
* The Maze Hundreds Chart - interactive PowerPoint for work on Number Sense
Presentation from Day 1 Science Training with Amy and Marissa from Spring 2019
Presentation and materials from Day 2 Science Training with Amy and Marissa from January 2020
social studies
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WondersLink to Kindergarten Wonders Folder - Please open folder for documents, forms, and suggestions to help with the implementation of Wonders.
* The Teachers Guide - Week by Week overview, vocabulary, spelling, and activity sheets.
* Kinder Narrative Teaching Points from Momentum in Teaching 
* PowerPoint slide notes from Momentum In Teaching Writers Workshop Training Day 1 - TK/Kinder
* 5 Sample Writing Workshop Units for TK and K (has some great ideas and teaching points to get you started).
* Wonders Unit 8 - SS tie Writing Prompt - Favorite American Symbol
   - Overview
* Read Aloud Project for K-2 - 126 Lessons for read aloud books
Examples of CGI Routines (10-15 minute activities/lessons to do daily). Includes links to resources within the slides as well.
* The Maze Hundreds Chart - interactive PowerPoint for work on Number Sense
The Amazing Laundry Basket Race - KPS2 Motion and Stability—Forces and Interactions
Better Lessons - Physical Sciences
Better Lessons - Life Sciences
Better Lessons - Earth and Space Sciences
LACOE - NGSS Performance Task Assessment Bank
Presentation from Day 1 Science Training with Amy and Marissa from Spring 2019
Presentation and materials from Day 2 Science Training with Amy and Marissa from January 2020
social studies
1st grade
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WondersLink to 1st Grade Wonders Folder - Please open folder for documents, forms, and suggestions to help with the implementation of Wonders.
* The Teachers Guide - Week by Week overview, vocabulary, spelling, and activity sheets.
* Phonics Activity Packets and other activities that go with each week in Wonders
* Read Aloud Project for K-2 - 126 Lessons for read aloud books
* SS Writing Prompt - Connecting Wonders (Unit 3, Week 4) and SS
* Sample Writers Workshop Mini Lessons covering 6 units
Examples of CGI Routines (10-15 minute activities/lessons to do daily). Includes links to resources within the slides as well.
* The Maze Hundreds Chart - interactive PowerPoint for work on Number Sense
LACOE - Math Performance Task Assessment Bank
NGSS Unit with teacher's guide and printables: How Does Light Help Me See?
Sound is Everywhere - Lesson - 1-PS4-1. Plan and conduct investigations to provide evidence that vibrating materials can make sound and that sound can make materials. 
   * The Science of Sound - Scholastic article to go with above lesson
Better Lessons - Physical Sciences
Better Lessons - Life Sciences
Better Lessons - Earth and Space Sciences
LACOE - NGSS Performance Task Assessment Bank
Presentation from Day 1 Science Training with Amy and Marissa from Spring 2019
Presentation and materials from Day 2 Science Training with Amy and Marissa from January 2020
social studies
2nd grade
Related image
WondersLink to 2nd Grade Wonders Folder - Please open folder for documents, forms, and suggestions to help with the implementation of Wonders.
* The Teachers Guide - Week by Week overview, vocabulary, spelling, and activity sheets.
* Read Aloud Project for K-2 - 126 Lessons for read aloud books
* Scattergories - online - can be projected on the screen for the whole class to play. CLICK ON ADD A CATEGORY AND THEN CHOOSE MAKE CHILD FRIENDLY BEFORE YOU GET STARTED.
2nd Grade Writer's Workshop Pacing Guide with teaching points
Examples of CGI Routines (10-15 minute activities/lessons to do daily). Includes links to resources within the slides as well.
* The Maze Hundreds Chart - interactive PowerPoint for work on Number Sense
LACOE - Math Performance Task Assessment Bank
Presentation and materials from Science Training with Amy and Marissa from December 2019
NGSS Unit with teacher's guide and printables: Why Is Our Corn Changing?
Better Lessons - Physical Sciences
Better Lessons - Life Sciences
Better Lessons - Earth and Space Sciences
LACOE - NGSS Performance Task Assessment Bank
social studies
3rd grade
Related image
WondersLink to 3rd Grade Wonders Folder - Please open folder for documents, forms, and suggestions to help with the implementation of Wonders.
* The Teachers Guide - Week by Week overview, vocabulary, spelling, and activity sheets.
  • Common Lit - a free collection of fiction and nonfiction for 3rd-12th grade classrooms. Search and filter our collection by lexile, grade, theme, genre, literary device, or common core standard.
* Scattergories - online - can be projected on the screen for the whole class to play. CLICK ON ADD A CATEGORY AND THEN CHOOSE MAKE CHILD FRIENDLY BEFORE YOU GET STARTED.
Achieve the Core: Gr3-5 Literary Assessments - Writing to multiple sources - constructed response
* Understanding Proficiency - Learn from student work on Performance Tasks - ELA
Examples of CGI Routines (10-15 minute activities/lessons to do daily). Includes links to resources within the slides as well.
Understanding Proficiency - Learn from student work on Performance Tasks - Math
LACOE - Math Performance Task Assessment Bank
Achieve the Core: Math Tasks - most involving fractions
Presentation and materials from  Science Training with Amy and Marissa from December 2019
Better Lessons - Physical Sciences
Better Lessons - Life Sciences
Better Lessons - Earth and Space Sciences
Solar System! - Unit with 9 lessons and 17 activities
LACOE - NGSS Performance Task Assessment Bank
social studies
4th grade
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WondersLink to 4th Grade Wonders Folder - Please open folder for documents, forms, and suggestions to help with the implementation of Wonders.
* The Teachers Guide - Week by Week overview, vocabulary, spelling, and activity sheets.
* The A List - Essential Academic Words - a list defining the essential academic words that can help students understand what a question/task is asking of them.
  • Common Lit - a free collection of fiction and nonfiction for 3rd-12th grade classrooms. Search and filter our collection by lexile, grade, theme, genre, literary device, or common core standard.
* Scattergories - online - can be projected on the screen for the whole class to play. CLICK ON ADD A CATEGORY AND THEN CHOOSE MAKE CHILD FRIENDLY BEFORE YOU GET STARTED.
Achieve the Core: Gr3-5 Literary Assessments - Writing to multiple sources - constructed response
* Understanding Proficiency - Learn from student work on Performance Tasks - ELA
* Writers Workshop - Momentum In Teaching - Printables for Teaching Points and 4 point story map for TBTH (The Big Thing That Happened).
*K-8 Pre/Post On Demand Writing Assessment Prompt (Narrative, Informational, and Opinion)
Examples of CGI Routines (10-15 minute activities/lessons to do daily). Includes links to resources within the slides as well.
Understanding Proficiency - Learn from student work on Performance Tasks - Math
LACOE - Math Performance Task Assessment Bank
* Online Protractor - upload an image and use the protractor to measure an angle
2019 Spring Presentation from Amy and Marissa
2019 November 21st folder from Amy and Marissa
March 10, 2020 folder (presentation and materials) - Life Science with Amy and Marissa
Better Lessons - Physical Sciences
Better Lessons - Life Sciences
Better Lessons - Earth and Space Sciences
Put a Spark in It! - 17 day electricity unit with pre/post assessment
Energy - 9 lessons with 29 activities to introduce students to several types of energy (electrical, light, sound, thermal, in addition to hydro, wind and solar power)
LACOE - NGSS Performance Task Assessment Bank
social studies
5th grade
Related image
WondersLink to 5th Grade Wonders Folder - Please open folder for documents, forms, and suggestions to help with the implementation of Wonders.
* The Teachers Guide - Week by Week overview, vocabulary, spelling, and activity sheets.
* Unit 1, Week 4 - Inventions - link to 10 Great Inventions Dreamt Up By Children
* READING - Short Texts to show the different text structures
Graphic Organizers for different Text Structures
Achieve the Core: Gr3-5 Literary Assessments - Writing to multiple sources - constructed response
* Understanding Proficiency - Learn from student work on Performance Tasks - ELA
ELA Performance Task: Land and Space Pollution (might go nicely with Human Impact in Science)  - Grade_5_Informational_Performance_Task_Student_Assessment_Fall_2013
* Writers Workshop - Momentum In Teaching - Printables for Teaching Points and 4 point story map for TBTH (The Big Thing That Happened).
*K-8 Pre/Post On Demand Writing Assessment Prompt (Narrative, Informational, and Opinion)
Examples of CGI Routines (10-15 minute activities/lessons to do daily). Includes links to resources within the slides as well.
Understanding Proficiency - Learn from student work on Performance Tasks - Math
LACOE - Math Performance Task Assessment Bank 
Achieve the Core: Math Tasks - 3 tasks; topics: fractions and volume
* 501 Math Word Problems (Some are beyond 5th grade level, but are divided into concepts)
* Online Protractor - upload an image and use the protractor to measure an angle
*5th grade DCIs One pager - 5th grade Disciplinary Core Ideas
*NGSS Unit with teacher's guide and printables including Student Science Journal: From Sun to Food
*Better Lessons - Physical Sciences
*Better Lessons - Life Sciences
*Better Lessons - Earth and Space Sciences
*Air Pollution - Unit with 10 lessons and 32 activities to choose from
*Dams - Unit with 8 lessons and 9 activities
*LACOE - NGSS Performance Task Assessment Bank
*NGSS PD Presentation links (from Amy and Marissa):
        Spring 2019 - MOD 1 NGSS 5th Grade
        September 2019 - 5th Grade_ Reducing Human Footprint
         February 2020 - link to Engineering Standards
with Amy and Marissa
*ELA Performance Task: Land and Space Pollution (might go nicely with Human Impact in Science) - Grade_5_Informational_Performance_Task_Student_Assessment_Fall_2013
social studies
SS/Science Connection (NGSS) Spring 2019 Meeting - 