Palos Verdes Peninsula Unified School District

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California Healthy Kids Survey

California Healthy Kids Survey
California Healthy Kids Survey (CHKS) is the largest statewide survey of resiliency, protective factors, and risk behaviors in the nation. Across California, the CHKS has led to a better understanding of the relationship between students' health behaviors and academic performance and is frequently cited by state policymakers and the media as a critical component of school improvement efforts to help guide the development of more effective health, prevention, and youth development programs. The results from this survey are compiled into district and county-level CHKS Reports. To view a copy of your district’s report, go to and type in the district name.
To see more about CHKS from the California Department of Education, please visit:
Review Past Survey Results:
District and county reports from every administration of the California Healthy Kids Survey in California schools since Fall of 2007 are available from the state. Reports are posted in November of each year for the previous year’s surveys.
Survey Dates:
December 16, 2024- January 31, 2025 
For the 2024-25 school year, students in grades 5, 7, 9, and 11 will participate in the California Healthy Kids Survey.
Parent Notification:
According to Education Code, as applied to the basic CHKS survey, active or opt-in consent must be used in grades K-6 (EC 51513) and passive or opt-out consent in grades 7-12 (Ed 51938c).
Parents in grades 7, 9, and 11 will be notified by the school site about the survey along with directions for withdrawal/opt-out. 
The school site will notify parents in grade 5 about the survey, along with a permission form to participate.
This is an anonymous survey. No names are recorded or attached to the survey data. The survey is computer-based, but no login or student names will be recorded or attached to the survey or data.
There are various modules that the California Department of Education makes available to schools.
Palos Verdes Peninsula Unified School District (PVPUSD) will only use the following modules for the 2024-25 school year:
5th Grade:
  • Core
  • TUPE 
  • Social-Emotional Health (SEHM)
7th, 9th, and 11th 
  • Core
  • Tobacco
  • Behavioral Health (BHM)
  • Resilience and Youth Development
It is important to note that the following modules are available but NOT used by PVPUSD:
  • Sexual Behavior
  • Gender and Sex-Based Harassment
Survey Questions:
To view the survey modules, please visit: 
Consent Forms:
Your School Site will send/post consent forms as applicable before administering the 2024-25 survey.
  • 5th graders must have parent/guardian permission to take the survey. 
  • 7th, 9th, and 11th graders will all be given the survey unless a parent/guardian submits an opt-out request.