The Board of Education is interested in your point of view. If you would like to communicate your thoughts to an individual member or to the entire Board you may contact them via email or by mail at 375 Via Almar, Palos Verdes Estates, CA 90274.
The Board of Education encourages your participation in its deliberations and has tried to make it convenient for you to express your views to the Board. Meetings of the Board are business meetings that are conducted in public. In general, the opportunity for members of the public to provide input to the Board on agendized items, and to provide input on non-agenda items, is through the submission of a request for public comment either in person or via the online speaker form. If you wish to address the Board on an item that is not on the agenda, you may speak during the Public Communications on Non-Agenda Items section of the agenda. Board members are legally prohibited from discussing non-agenda items and, therefore, will not engage in dialogue with members of the public.
Board agendas are very full and time is limited. For that reason, we request that you speak only once on an item and that you limit your remarks either when addressing an agenda item or when speaking on non-agenda items. Per the Board’s Bylaws, remarks shall be limited to three minutes per person. If there are more than 20 speakers, individual comments will be limited to one minute. The Board cannot engage in public discussion during this portion of the agenda due to the Ralph M. Brown Act (Government Code Sections 54950 – 54963). Speakers on agendized items will be called on to speak during the discussion of the item. Speakers will be informed of how much time they will have for comment, and when your time is up, please finish your sentence and exit the podium area to allow for the next speaker, or to allow the Board to address the item of business.
There are also remote options for the public to submit comments. These options can be reviewed at:
For speakers in person, if you wish to address the Board on an agenda item, please obtain a card that is on the table along with the agenda; fill the card out completely and give it to the Board secretary sitting at the table. Please turn your card in prior to the presentation of the item you wish to address, including public comment on non-agenda items. The staff person will see that your card is presented to the President of the Board of Education, who will call upon you at the appropriate time during the discussion of that agenda item.
Similarly, for speakers on Zoom, submit your request prior to the presentation of the item you wish to address, including public comment on non-agenda items. You will be called upon at the appropriate time during the discussion of that agenda item.
The Board Secretary will check in person and Zoom for public comments at the start of the public comment period for each agenda item. The Board will not take public comments submitted in person or via Zoom/online that are submitted after public comment for an agenda item has commenced.
Individuals who require disability-related accommodations or modifications in order to participate in the meeting, including auxiliary aids and services, should submit requests via e-mail to: [email protected] or by calling: (310) 896-3404 at least 24 hours prior to the start of the meeting.
Agenda documents that have been distributed to members of the Board of Education less than 72 hours prior to the meeting are available for inspection at the Malaga Cove Administration Center, 375 Via Almar, Palos Verdes Estates, during regular business hours, 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday - Friday.