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PVPUSD Board of Education Special Meeting (Audio) - May 29, 2024
Added May 29, 2024
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who now convener Board of Education special meeting today is May 29th and The Time Is Now 11:10 and our first order of business is the Pledge of Allegiance got to bring the flag to Republic for which it stands one nation indivisible with liberty and justice for all stop being a quitter reported and the audio will be posted on the website later I think you can I get a motion to approve the agenda for today's special Board of Education meeting June 2nd on favorites any post motion passes 40 let's look at the week do we have any thing we have notes in public comments and made my public comments in perfect thank you before we get started I was just going to read the purpose of the board self-evaluation and this was taken right off of your description on simply on the board self evaluation is an important responsibility for the board for three reasons. you ate themselves to demonstrate that District leadership is committed to continuous learning at every level to do this districts must invest in the professional development of every adult in the system including the district's governing board number to school board evaluate 10 + 68 culture of using feedback to get better if District needs to be data-driven so do boards by conducting to self evaluation for it's helped create the culture that makes it safe to reflect on performance in order to improve that and number three Billboards evaluate how to demonstrate accountability to the community that elected them as an elected entity the board has an obligation to report back to the community on how well the board is performing its service to the students and the district. oh I didn't want to take a moment to thank those of you who are here today board member jean skirt and read thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to be here today team building is so important in this gives us an opportunity to connect outside of the boardroom what am I favorite quote and a very simple one for that a single leaf working alone provides no shade so thank you all for showing up and with that I will turn it over to you where's was Juliana indicated by she does not see the value and this particular session that the board self evaluation she did not participate in and please as well get into the questionnaire know that either has Wolfie on the board mission where you see the ones that are not sure those are for Miss Campbell did not fill out the self-evaluation and she has expressed concerns with the FDA as an organization overall and providing guidance to school board. and furthermore has indicated that she feels like this time would be better spent looking at some articles around the brown act or other flowers and structures so I'll be providing those documents that she has shared to you all in a Friday letter in this week's Friday update so that you could reference those and perhaps we can have time in the future to look at those documents to discuss the divorce cuz I got to work late so I guess I'm confused cuz I thought we should all be here so I guess I would say I just checked change that like we all that's kind of an assumption that we're also greater what we're doing we don't need to improve is that how I'm hearing that not to buy that too harsh but I think that's more of the power he has to close the time right now to devote to extra meeting and she's felt like this was maybe an extra meeting there was not the value that s*** to empty the bag of a survey is how I would characterize remember to remember she will be here another few years and two who could be voted out of office really soon and might not be here right to as there are one or two new members but we know for sure we have three that are going to be continued for two years so I guess I'm just disappointed because I I'm all learn from her when she's here so I do think there's value in amethyst foundation for 11 or two board members to join the team and to have some foundational people that hopefully will continue in his game so what that will start with valuation and endoscopic Ramos discussion you can have a few and B if you're so as school board support improve student outcomes by creating and sustaining the conditions that support the fact Equitable teaching and learning and I thought that was really a nice quote that's from the factory of the FDA and the board felt evaluate before self evaluation as one powerful way to support Effective Government it is divided into two areas the conditions of effective governance and to Lord responsibilities. So we'll be looking at the Gorge self-evaluation and just having this conversation. the first got it it don't take out your worth off of Highway 10 and the first thing I would ask you to do is to look for any areas that the board rated as green if there are any that Marine, Pulaski Highway so I printed out what I wrote cuz I get it so long as I can remember and then this is the aggregate all of them at 11 and there's one more everything else is participating wonderful observation of courtesy says the man who created this item is almost always an option that we have Piney Green so there's no one no category. Why don't we start first with the strength what were some of the strength that could be noticed your body waist and let you know that the board meetings section to think relates to board meeting at how board meetings are conducted word operations are all blue meetings are all blue structure board meeting structure support Accord good job president Gandhi and ability of the number the number on the app is how many people put that it's a number one to three or four and trying to figure out which is almost always is almost always is. I think I left how do you say my own answers ready to laugh like a lot of areas for growth and things that we are sorry for strike that we can call attention to you I was working well for this Ford on some board meetings the structure board operation right there's a lot of consensus around those areas in terms of areas that we have perceptions that are mix those could be blue or yellow or combination of blue and yellow what do we see there Nick's not areas of right now went out what we want ready for fur but I feel it's going through Port Huron Gordon at 8 to looking at the overall category is right now and then Community leadership and accountability board development Anthony games like a area of need and then now about to the rabbit makes it be that sort of areas where we have more of our board members ratings this item is less less often rarely or not sure and the implications here are where we have a lot of red but this is an area of growth for all members and I know we can say all but for all who took the so what do you notice in terms of where were so I look at this as my opinion of the entire board when I'm good in bed at but but my opinion of the board as a whole is that correct cuz I guess I could have just done it on my board members follow so it doesn't say like do you and when I saw the results I think for me most of the Blues would actually be green if all you know if this was based on board for board members to really where I focused my attention on with the yellow and the red because those are areas of opportunity because for everybody who participated that would be where we ever heard from that I think I was surprised by how much the other board members perception align with my own I guess I would say I had a couple of these I don't know like the board gives direction to the superintendent only at board meetings I don't know how everybody else break so I just put I didn't know so I wasn't trying to be flipping I just actually have no idea you've never told me that happened but I know one step but I don't know what goes on in other people's I think that's what I want song so that's why I put I don't know 4:10 or 11 thank thing individual board members like I have observed individual board members perhaps suggesting something to the superintendent at a meeting but not saying you must do this tomorrow so I don't feel I don't know if that happened so that's what that was that's why I was the one with the I think you're right on that one I think I also have an area that has been a challenge for me as I'd think about making sure that we have consensus from the board before moving forward on any individual request so that could be something we want to look at right as one word number though that's why the exercises so helpful could even as you completing the survey it's not a gentle reminder to myself to like so be mindful of roles and responsibilities like just going to exercise with a good grounding exercise for me and I think I'm taking that even a step further even in Ark how do you say over at the OAC or any other committee meeting really the board functions as a whole so direction should be as a whole so yes I think it is a good reminder do anything now our goal is going to be to find 2:33 to 5 most important areas for improving the Ford performance so when you're thinking about that which areas of improvement. beneficial to the board and the District board development and roles and responsibilities and would it be sent that would you want to narrow it further more and save even like a couple of those I think number 11 is very important you know we kind of ready reference to that but making sure that the direction is based on the full board and what there yeah what direction they want to take rather than one board member individual board members do not undermine for an incision stay a little more about that for him especially with the use of social media and I think it can be everyone has a right to say what they want to say whether it's on social media or in person and what I tried to do even like I remember speaking to ptas and updating them on what happened at the board meeting I would just say like I voted against this item but the board approved it in this is why do the why the positive not why my negative and so with you soon even with social media I can't recall it time I posted on the highwomen because I think it definitely is. Can be detrimental to our our students when that happens and I can distract I appreciate both students and how this impacts how our behavior of the government team does the rocket league pass through their experience but the simple exercise at Linda just mentioned also helps that the ethos as a district right it does that hold tvcsd a line after you get elected to go from me to we write putting the collective what's best for Collective the collective will above your own if it's hard but I think it's important to model it for our students and remind them that they're part of a community and that sometimes you have to put the needs of every button I think of everybody think he on your own self active and I think if we can model that really well it'll help us to that goes beyond our personal beliefs to exactly what you said Dr Serana what's right for the students in our community the board said something it's decided and you had your opportunity to collaborate with people and get past them to change their mind if you feel strongly about something but then when still groups it's over we've all been on the no side of something that passed right leg many times so so I think board members followed record agreements regarding speaking right and I and I had a 2 for that one someone quotes me they say that I'm a member of the board so it implies that I'm speaking to the board even though I know that I'm wrong is between but the general public hearing that thanks that my comments because it says he who has more number represents the Border represents the district so I think if you really careful making quotes for groups papers reuse papers Etc to say I'm just speaking for myself and then try to but the photographer is there any is there any policy that we have back in that we do I love I think I think we're guessing isn't eating is the fact that if you were to identify who I am in the TV news Ryan face and the warden and speaking for everybody that's been I was asking I don't remember that policy that will buy logs as soon as one of the knives out but I kind of got exact number but let's say you're giving an interview for newspaper you use that example can you not use board member it depends on the topic so if it's a newspaper with the topic about the board then my answer would be I'm sorry I are board president is the only one who is commenting on that let me give you a make on his phone number if it's something unrelated to the board then you would ask them to just not use your title so I would be there so much media involved with the Middle School cross country team if someone were to ask you about that I would just be Linda Reid it's a serious crime like not anything beyond beyond whatever they want you don't have a choice at least you would make the request yeah I think of the same place card because sometimes they want to list for identification purposes only does not speak on behalf but still when it was sitting kind of signal something to the community so I do the same thing as what Linda mentioned is just anybody that's all you can do and here's it individually specifically have some consensus around areas of improvement that would be beneficial to the board on the district and now I hope we are tasked with Setting Sun Pacific measurable time-bound goals that's in Decatur around these these areas that we had to think about this let's go with 6 since we've been talking about that in terms of the sort of smart bulb be well how would that look do not undermine Court decision so how would we pray that in a specific measurable goal or be something we want to focus on for the next I need to stop doing board members will not control board members will stand behind or support decisions made by the board it is in the night like but you don't have to say anything negative about it the Viking very strong hatred I think of something I voted against was like the Middle School AVID program it doesn't mean that I have to go running around talking about how great it but it means that I won't freeze a will not attend an event because I don't like it or or say something negative about the teacher of program or the students for I wouldn't have to go probably talking about how much you liked it but you could say nothing that's fine but but it also doesn't mean you kind of undermine the impact later so like we had it we had a issue while ago where I can never how long ago this was that we're with could we serve alcohol at this school district and we decided on that over the years and I've consistently voted against it but it doesn't mean I won't support pts contractor that event once the board has made that decision right because it's in the best interest of the district to to move forward with that so that's the way I viewed it personally a time and I'll be right but good me a sister to take approach with it underlined with me too I don't know starting campaign against an event or or something like that or to go around telling people what a terrible idea is something as I can Viola as once the vote is taken and if it goes against the way that I voted that I am now on board and I can say I voted against it but the board majority voted for and we are on that train and I think that's what she trying to say right but we don't have to you don't be gone celebrate this decision if that's not what you wanted but don't talk out against either don't speak out against it I'm trying not to think through this like sometimes I'm going to talk about something like what kind of go there may be a little bit more I'm trying to remember like a time where a decision was really difficult and maybe then cuz what happened as community members approached it right why did the bar besides the system terrible Boulevard and I think there is I think there's a question on here but Community leadership and I think that's an opportunity where I feel like it's really important to help the community see the broader the purpose of our whole community of the whole Board of a kind of okay not everything eating meat will not always get exactly what we want but creating that shared Mutual purpose finding ways to do that when your income the conversations I think is really important and maybe that's something we can further develop as go out enough for four up supports and hands there's no that really captures it strengthened and I really just don't like I was wishing it was you needed I don't know standby a decision made by the board standby doesn't mean you're there scam behind maybe 10 people behind or and or promote how do you make foaming a commitment I stand behind and or support you won't be able to eat board members follow board agreements regarding speaking for the board is this also captured there or is there something more specifically want to call out some type of bullets that sound like phone number board members will make every effort 2 allow the board president to speak on behalf of District concern antinoti quoted otherwise I think the other pleather piece of this to us that you know when when that happens when one of us makes up mistake that war is emotional got something and then what happens with that you knew or the word president have a conversation with that number and say hey I know this is a passionate topic I respect that but please we can't have talking to her and just explain why that's not okay instead of just poop you're not going to read it right that I think that's the other piece some other piece do you think if we set these goals we have what kind of hold each other accountable and hold board members of an individual board member the crash left front it could be that you asked the paper and I printed it any that right oh okay because it may be hard cuz somebody to support like the example Linda gave with David right to support a program that you didn't believe that we should vote in right but it's really not speaking out against it because it was the Ford's decision to move forward with that so then you would want to support the first drop. I've worked in the face later but we said individual board members will stand behind and or support decisions made by the board and then the second one we have in progress has board members will make every effort to allow the board to speak on the board president on behalf of the board and there was a second part of it only identifying yourself food an individual when you're speaking traffic. How about second part goes I read in the first half against the board members will make every effort to allow the board president to speak on behalf of the board and the actual statement from the survey was board members follow board agreements regarding speaking for the board kind of fats are in agreement collecting on the other four presidents really were talking about honoring the board consensus and identifying him the president has the first person maybe there's a third one I I know there was someone around to address the one about the individual board members not directing the superintendent said I didn't know yet. missions that we have the program for you and I have in our meeting I don't perceive as giving you directions I might ask you a question you must follow up but I don't in my mind and you may disagree and you can call me tomorrow but can I ride see that I'm telling you that we need to do something but I would think that if I wanted to suggest that we do something it has to happen at the board meeting where we have a quorum and you can handle braids something to the effect of that all of the things that you are asked to do and I know those aren't the best for all the things that you were asked to do need to happen at a board meeting and we can discuss things with your question things good afternoon I have a draft of a statement that all board members will be conscientious regarding individually directing the superintendent conscientious is the right word will be on Tuesday so that means I'm aware of it I'm doing it anyway getting legal opinion that wedding District Waller Friday night so I think that we need I'm just one board members is just one opinion but I think we need to get consensus on whether or that is something we even want to pursue getting a legal opinion, you know and then if we have board majority thing yeah I think we need to look at that or we need to protect the district by looking at that then I think that makes sense you know so that's it that's it because that's the one thing I learned early on to is that it is is that the superintendent for example and the cabinet legal advice all the time without going through the border right cuz that's part of their dog so but it's more when a board member says we need this and that just happened it to go to the president so before Discord happens we had a x two different board members going to two different Attorneys at his name from asking for the same opinion which was obviously a waste of money and that's not involved in this world this is 7 many years ago and their intent was Melissa it was just they were really excited about this topic and wanted to Legal opinion but he's they don't know so they're just answer the questions and then they're sending a bit myself. I got you didn't know that but you didn't come to me for a few canned puppy attorney Stover I think that's that's that's when where did the word no one should speak no one on the board should speak to the attorneys and accept the fourth president that's the man who speaks of the attorneys and then requesting legal counsel Ray expending resources that sounds like we would need for a majority for the first one we need board majority vs. Board president and certified district is being legally compliant so if there's something from my lungs but I'm saying I feel like policy is an example in our board policy development it says seeking legal counsel isn't back in the car talking about and so being able to you have that ability to say you know after I want to pause based on this conversation and get legal counsel we're in a unique position to supply the register could we don't have counsel present at every board meeting typical size of our district district court, but being able to take something back and have legal redo it I think there needs to be discussion from the superintendent to do and it's not to say that if we bring Tim is doing that silly nilly all the time but I do feel like there needs to be about Authority given please to your superintendent, and that's one of the highway superintendent three of them are first read of a policy and you have majority that point again I'm just one board member so maybe you know everybody doesn't agree on it but once we have board consensus on a policy at that point then if it goes back to Legal that seems more like it's been guided in that direction by one board member rather than the board consensus because the board since it was already given at the board meeting yes and sometimes Boston come out after a first reading and it's it's happened a few times this year around policy where there's been a first reading and there has been consensus and later after the first meeting new information comes to light from a board from your interactions with Community from there further research on policy and then they bring forward I thought about this more and I want it look at this aspect of the policy and I think they're does needs some ability he tried to look at that again and bring that information back to the policy committee back to the full board for consideration but again I don't see anyone suggesting that we remove that ability from your job for the cabinets. I think we already have a board policy that says any legal question that we want to ask we need to have the board president so that Linda Reed and I could not find what he needs to be running your own Google queries but I think it's more about if I were to meet you and I would say by tomorrow I would like to have this happen that you need to be given the permission to say that sounds like something that the whole board should talk about let me talk to Amy and see if we can agendas as a future me to have a good time about empowering you and cabinet to say that's a big decision that's not just you know a little tiny thing that I can get you that answer that's a that's a decision and I want to have that the entire board weigh in the morning because I don't think anyone is intentionally saying I need you to do this for me right now but I think you need to be empowered to say wait a minute that's bigger than you seem to think it is I think he's the one we just took it off and first one individual board members will stand behind donor support payments made by the board with maybe getting back to help me find out how to reverse read if there is consensus from the board really shouldn't be visiting after that but it's happened a few times so I don't know if that's something that you all want to allow and support that even after a trip being weathers content with everybody. turn on how we set policy in the process her policies are actually part of the square if I was a professional development the cabinet because things can come up that they might not have thought of a check with legal on that right some of them there's been a few time we're going to be really honest in the policy meeting where where Julie doesn't like the answer from the attorney so she'll want to push back and go back to the attorney over and over again that's probably where where you are Susie would need to decide is this a valid completely valid question that should be answered again and let's look at it again or you know what we got the answer and we're not going to spend more dollars on it because I'm not an attorney so I don't I don't know I trust Steve Allison with his with his legal opinion so if he says something you know I don't have a reason to question that I don't have an agenda with it or anything so but I there are times where we've spent quite a bit of extra money that we might not have needed to spend and I worked with a different board member who is also an attorney on policy and it was just a different situation wasn't is confrontational and I think it but she did sometimes have questions and it would say go back to legal on it and sometimes we've all said that too so I think it's okay to do it just it's when it's excessive anybody got an opinion that we're still look at a different way so I can pay me fishing right and so that doesn't seem to be that helpful couple clarification how to move us along I know we have three nice and what is the dress the third one is that board members will be cautious of individual a thrifting with the grandson. I don't know if that's the right word. was there any fourth one that you want to add around for development try to get there like that was something you all called out I got a? When I got to the second I was curious as to this is kind of media question it's a difficult moment when we were in the middle of negotiations when we were on Borden but I know we're different people in place and all that is it was it was hard it felt question marks about what has been your experience to practice in terms of community we might surprise you guys I think you got way more preparation than anyone else in the house has ever gone sites like I'm just telling you that that's the fact like when I join but I joined the board I met a board member at Panera and she said this is how it is and that and then I just went to the next meeting so like so I'm sure if I went back and watched I probably said a lot of ridiculous things at the time because I didn't know anything so like I think the preparation I mean I'm not saying what what what happened with you all was good I'm just saying it was way more interested you were given budgets you had understood things when you ran for office you got information to write so but I'd have to ask for example you know when you came on did we what did we do when Rick soles came on I have to ask Matt for a Kismet bread with Alexa and Katie just like he wasn't appointed them so I think that's different process to care one off instead of a couple people and they were definitely a lot of meeting with superintendent with cabinets and all of that kind of thing that I think you all got to do some of that but we've there was enough for malpractice by any stretch but I have to go back in the house with him you would suggest board members have that you can see that we haven't had official training in in the last four numbers all the Friday letters recently like never did that in the past so I think I think the example like I feel like we did try and do it with the last onboarding where we brought in the attorney to go over the ground and with everybody and then we went through the communications and went through the process of board agendas and what you could expect from the information the Friday letter versus West in the agenda and terms of the packet we went over teleconferencing and all those those who had so I feel like maybe you could go back I can provide it to you again what we did and see what was missing cuz I figured it covered funding in the budget at covered Brown act and it covered like overall board meeting gold and also what I think one of the things that you brought up which is why we added that calendar what we did not provide and that's what came up at the ATC as well was really the board government's calendar so that you all had an idea in terms of like the graduation lock out this week for night so you have like this community events like PF host on the coast those kind of things that as board members that you are ideally would want to attend so that we have a calendar for you so you can plan your your your schedule that was like what was missing from that last I think this time around when when the three of you started think there's a lot more information provided if I'm thinking. I was appointed of the Ender Dragon I had a different I had like a mentor you know like I feel like you were kind of like my mentor when I was on boarded and I think that was really really helpful guess I like the brown acid anyway because it's one person but I felt like you do and I talked to all the board members when I started fix the thing that was most helpful with having somebody to reach out to when I had a question so a president's job to do that you would suggest for people who've been on the board now because we're looking at going forward what kind of Sword training what kind of board of education do we want for the next 6 months or nine or was there a topic that you saw that you think o that would be really I think where they were coming through is more like it's the similar things with the Masters government program that they suggest for board members is like learning more about the governance and the budget is it a lot of it was for all related I felt that was something that they were more encouraging people to go to the actual like the FDA training will know they're trying to sell something on it yeah I wonder are number 35 Ford reviews its governance agreements regularly without seem to be a place that we had here to people that rarely so I wonder if that's an area to say we want to do something around for bylaw and I would only be one person because what president said we're leaving when it's turning all ways had the board what are the 9000 ghost policies and second of it and an agenda is it a board meeting and go over just as a reminder what are professors are and then you're free to talk at that time about it was it was it's from the other conversation while you're not following this felt that you're not following it's going to drop it to me to sit can you set up meeting right and so it would just eat you have it printed out and it would just be there and it was I think 9320 but we would do that one figure that would be great. It was more opportunity to do it building off of what you just shared Barbara lucky me the number 33 seems really important I appreciate that we were given kind of nuts and bolts when the three of us were on boarded but I don't think we were really I think we need more the onboarding and continuous professional development strengthening our governance skills and and being really mindful of governance I think I think when you're running your office and then you're in the community there's there's a lack of clarity around what board members are supposed to do and just kind of reminding us about we're not accountants or not the district's lawyers were not so security officers governance itself is a really important and what does governess what is that that wouldn't look like I think that's what I feel like it was kind of missing and also thinking about how once you're elected you serve everybody you don't serve your the killer Community or sub-community I think that making sure that we're doing that when we're on wearing your board members or annually as a existing board I think is really important and reminding ourselves of our primary role as officers really a high-functioning private corporations do the same thing right and I'll add one thing to that I like the fact that we're getting together today outside of the district office doesn't matter what we're working on but team building is very very important and you learn about their family they learn about yours like there's something that that translates to the workspace you know I would say you know at least annually I think it was going to tell you a shin we could look at our government handbook I'm going to bed I believe a lot of time today looking at the government's a Pink So What year from now we should be quick this week as it should take less time but it's only meaningful as you're aware and so we could put all three of those into 1 fortify or says the board flash district will strategically plan for orientation of new members and ongoing development in the area of governance for existing barber shop. the board will review the bylaws and it doesn't seem like the killer for the for the sake of time you might want to a self evaluation section you'd like I can read each of the five or we can just circulate these around so you have a dropped at them unless anyone has anything else they won't be later check you want to repeat it that's over 40 all right I'll repeat the fact that we had some draft statements or gold School number one individual board members will stand behind and orca Court decisions made by the board members to its board members will make every effort to allow the board the board number three board members will be cautious of individual 8 directing to keep them from you and therefore the board district will strategically plan for orientation of new members and on development of increasing numbers in the area of Fort government number 5 the board will review the bylaws when I talk to him anyway and you'll get us a copy of all of this I have one more thing to say that is just a difference with this board then I've seen in the past night I'm trying to figure out what category it doesn't understand that's why I was looking at my paper and that's just that there seems to have been since the pandemic a lot more personal attacks for and against Pacific for numbers with The Sword and the previous board that I'd never seen in my first 67 years on the board even though it during those years we have been very contentious issues going on we were sued by a variety of community members on a right hip issues that are closed session topics that we won't talk about today but but there were never this level of personal attacks and then people coming in personally supporting board members during a board meeting time to do feel like as leaders if it's something to take someone who agrees with me and I disagree with Linda Kerr star and comes and says as a board meeting my friend comes and says lineker is an idiot it's my job as a board member to go to that and afterwards and say no at that approach wasn't okay please support the position but don't attack the person support the positions don't support the person because I think it to waste a lot of board meeting time so there were times would with honestly sorry had a bunch of friends I would a great person you were I would have loved to have seen you say thank you for doing that once but let's not do that anymore at the boarding you we don't need to be wasting food spend the time I will not attend on that I appreciate your support and your love and I would like I would say the same thing to Julie if she was as well and because it's just never anything that's happened in the past where I've been personally truck behind covid New Leaf personally attack is terrible I'm no one ever came to my defense know that I'm expected that nor did anyone come really in a that much until as the pandemic progressed we had to board members who didn't get along who again became very personal by remembering it correctly because it doesn't that's not effective governance time spent on that and just images of shih that I've seen and it's a cultural shift across the country in California city council meeting see it to a City Council meetings and all of our cities used to be very different than they are now and so it's not good or bad but I think it's just something you need to be aware of so that as we move forward we can try to just keep the focus on the classroom stuff and it's hard because community members coming or not talking about the classroom but to just remind them you know to do that in and I'm holding myself as well I should have died their uterus and said for example you know what fairy I appreciate your view but the tone isn't going to resonate with us you know and at least try to have a conversation in a Community member like that is very upset certainly has a right to come we need to do. but for me myself I have known him for you know forever I could have taken that opportunity to maybe create a dialogue and show him some more leadership and that was I right and I didn't I didn't do it I just set up you know and that that's honestly not the most effective thing so I'm just heading over that mean it's true and very would agree with me on that ride like that that that he would have agreed that his phone is sometimes harsh and he might be that way but he was there but I could have done and how to convert and I didn't do that so as a board development and leadership development isn't as if introvert you know I could have taken out of her Sunday to do a better job so I just wanted to point that in my face and it's only going to get more difficult in the future with the election in November and everything else you know it could be it could be it could be rough I got the clothes that section out and was just another quote that my sakshi on the puppy dilation Happy Valley self evaluation allows for the Paw can you speak louder I think it picked me up we are so I just wanted to make sure this isn't for traffic violation allowed for Paws and reflect on how well they are needing their responsibility as well as potential changes positively impacts government on behalf of student break before we jump into the cancer I am. And now to the government's Tampa to drop with the government's handle and a devan's handbook is a cute desk to building and maintaining a cohesive School District governing board it is a living. and that memorializes the board's working agreement and it is a record of the board's commitment to practicing Effective Government so this is taking us to action now from the bolt we just sat is not wasting any time something right in Evernote campus should be reviewed by annually as a side order I have in a regular board meetings are scheduled to leave you at a special board Workshop it is particularly important for board and review the handbook for new members are 4.10 develop maintained and mutually agreed-upon handles will promote continuity and consistency for a board and support exceptional government's leadership and I think this team is capable of exception Southern Exposure shot at the school will also support Clarity with staff and have it as much as with the board so we're looking forward to your feedback on this truck we may not get through all of this is over the next set of time but we're going to do our that jump it so we're going to start just too may be the answer to our page on page to go to congratulations with your father open the entire document to Jump Right In that you only need to know this and read this when you're first elected her first appointment and I think that this is that you would have said if we're going to look at it but this is how we're going to operate I would get rid of that whole person you know and just start with in conjunction with particles and if we want them other you know and then says at the very end is your role is different now while you always remain apparently may have board members who are not apparent always remember the gravity of your position in the way that carries instead I would suggest no matter your other connect responsibility your words and actions will be viewed as representative of TV. Because we have parents and grandparents and so but to me this is an ongoing document and it minimizes it's important if we I like both of those points that's why I thought was capturing feedback to have everything else on this page. really really I don't think you for the graph looking at other for Government Camp up cuz it out there's a lot out there probably available nothing. What you like I had one for one second all other state laws as applicable board members will be provided a copy of current board bylaws I think we were referred to them in our training but I don't know that that's a strong enough statements are they adding that once a year discussion makes it her a stronger statement we will review them either give it back. We will review them yearly is a stronger statement than thing here you go 4:30 will be provided a copy of the current board bylaws when and which will be yes just because otherwise that minimizes their importance i d a r anything else on this page please give them for tantrum let's jump into a pastry Unity of purpose Brock used a very very similar start Foreman we spent probably a four-hour meeting on this and then we Revisited again so I looked at this a lot and the English person in me and I realize that's not my strongest suit if everything else starts with B then I will look at the first fourth 1 and change it to be personally responsible or be responsible so that they're all parallel and then two below that it says be trustworthy. That part competence and character and I don't understand competent in character in Wreck-It what did you get no I had to leave things in parentheses I deleted good listeners and I deleted what I can and I toilet deleting be inclusive not because we should be inclusive but because that's captured by being a good citizen being respectful all those things are kind of included their time trying to make it as short as balls how do you get rid of the one asked you said I could be confident I think it's not my life to be inclusive because I think of it is set a reminder for me to take in and think about all perspectives even when they're not the same as mine so I took out good listeners we better do Pegasus feeling cute pretty open-minded I think I'm considered open-minded are different thing we could leave it I like what you're saying remove all the extra when asked good listeners competence and character when asked I really like that was glad everything's everybody goodness put them back on leaving Indiana. directions to Boardwalk roles and responsibilities over on the open-minded good listeners I still thinking about that I would have preferred actually being a good listener over being open-minded because open minded means we demand of our keep your position. conditioner is they're both different inclusive for me covers like inclusive means making sure that wide range of perspectives are included in the conversation and in decision-making right open-minded being flexible not walking open minded and then a tablet that says be a good listener play Pantera. then it covers both but I agree that it should be a, there with it what kind of bugs is it together you know Craigslist okay so we're keeping be open-minded and I'm going to make you a second bullet for good listening be a good listener a code. different I know but I'm just for my grammar standpoint do you want to be be a good listener or be right. going to try to hit on her I think you have there been if you got there what is the you know I'm just thinking back to the previous exercise where were saying let's review this an annual basis and I believe you have said this to me the agenda is it so I think you're onto something when I mean just going through these the board will represent the needs and interests of all students in our district the individual board member one allow personal interest in relationship to effective decision-making the board will focus on policy making I mean this is really good sometimes I think you're doing the 9000 in the past has been a great way to if a board member has done something that another board member doesn't care for it says it's overly polite prettiest way to address it to the entire board so just like if you're a teacher in the class and they have pasted into did something you remind me entire just about keeping your hands to yourself right so that you're not calling someone out but you're just reviewing it for the entire board and if the chance to have a conversation like we're having stay but at every other regularly scheduled meeting number 5 back to the bowl with that around for the volunteering the light Debbie by my decision except it doesn't support but this is not here set alarm for hey Mike I'm looking at number 11 communication is really key and it's become increasingly more keys with the state of the states in the world of politics and and all but I think it minimizes just trust I have as much information as possible so I think paragraph 11 is really important to me and as we were exploring the bond measure again we want to make sure that we give the public as many answers as we possibly can and location is freaking cute I probably get on a given day at 8:10 emails and I'm sure your board president to get 30 emails and that is a lot. Maybe that's our everyday on your Facebook account very about 10 though and I know I do not have to but I feel like I should respond to every single one and as a teacher in the district I would write the board and I was unaware of the fact that the board has never responded on behalf of the world board president would be alright me and Linda Reed the year that you were not built resident you would also respond but the sentence or two but as a member of the community who was riding the board I was disappointed not to hear from all of the boar so I would think that we would want the board president when he or she respond to say I am responding on behalf of the board all of the board will read your letter but I will respond or something to that nice because that then uses the board member who didn't reply I would still again because he's just something that I feel like I need to do I will still in I don't respond and people who just been attacking males are Anonymous email people love what they believe is a legitimate concern I feel the need to respond with a thank you for writing I read your position on whatever I will consider it. What a paragraph I think it's a public needs to know that the rest of the board isn't doing a poor job of communicating by not responding and I think given the number of emails but I have my youngest in the Army Meadows Mall I would really encourage you if you get behind on me to ask one of us to answer for you and I am not in any way being accusatory but I know that and you're going to seven of them a day you're going to yours and so on top of all of those things and then they could go home at 9 at night and respond all these emails I think things sometimes might not release on the tool especially as you might want to and I like your thinking that I would do but I would say I was in here I was your boyfriend doesn't know who will respond it within 24 hours and or ask another board member to discuss because I think it would be okay to say no this is a question about communication is I'm going to pull a fast one to refinance the question about facility I'm going to ask Brenna to answer but I think always been particularly now we need to do the best job of communicating again and I really truly I'm not trying to cause any bulb but I would like to respond to emails within a day and I would like the public to know that if sorry doesn't respond it's not because she didn't read the email and it's not because she didn't care it's because the insipid the expectation is at the board president of the following activities was it a lot of things I would like to add emails will be responded to within 24 hours of receiving them or delegated or delegated to two other my number's a bit Monday through Thursday because I think I'm weakened yes and I would like to have the word president in their reply save that they are responding for the entire board and some other board members I may not reply exactly how question if there's a in the last couple of weeks we've gotten emails we're all five of us have been emailed on an ongoing discussion matter it like around the bond for example and people have written really thoughtful in Hamilton and I read I wish I could ask questions cuz I have burning questions that needed a better understand their perspective but then I don't know how many other people have already responded. Just sent a one-liner thank you for your feedback if you I think I'll reach out to the Community member if they hate to have a conversation with you I would like to learn more what are three of us to die though and then does not become a funeral, zero media depends on how it's done so I would say that it would it would again to one Community member of the right back into I'm assuming you wrote all five of us so I know because of the brown act by I'm not going to share my opinion with you but thank you for your thoughts or I'd love to talk with you about but but in your conversation with the person if they start to say well you know I met with this one number and she's going to vote this way on this issue that we can't have that conversation right so but I'd love to hear your thoughts about it Hilton at the message to you but it may be time for me issue and what your comfort level is but it's certainly fine to meet with someone who writes the whole board to learn more about their about their position I did that this actually and met with somebody . who reached out and I took all their opinions in I didn't share anything other than what we've already talked about it we went over what we talked about it a previous meeting cuz that's already discussed but but that's certainly a fine you certainly have a right as a board member to meet with Community First that we talk to you when I get there it will I met with these other their number play think that and you are you friends with start me to other board members if the answer is yes and you know I was wondering cuz I saw that last week what you guys are doing for that me and her are the Impractical 11 are we changing that first sentence cuz right now it says the board president will respond. they responded publicly State on behalf of the board I think that I was picking it up and staying Adam from Below a language about what I've got that 24 hours of receiving them I was going to put in parentheses during weekdays and then or and then when it says or delegated to another board member to respond as something cuz maybe that's the board president your words that you just said where they're really good before the board president will respond that and then you said something the other board members may not responded a year may not make it seem like they are not allowed to start at the beginning. ordinal numbers and may or may not respond or something because do you think we can work nothing except such an event about you also let the final review is there anything else on this page for me okay we'll go on tonight I only have one on number to UF facilitate bowls I would take the silicate annual goal setting boyfriend can I see that it's on the board calendar for next week is September I would think it would take us because you're probably going to keep 90% of what we have it wouldn't take us as long as we're not going to reinvent I don't know where we're going anything else can you put on the calendar for Tuesday September 2nd August 10th also section 4 Fort Benning separation I would actually say we should push that back to the end of the year because you were going to have any board members on the boat so we'll go onto the pier as in this do you mean like end of the actually cuz I felt them. That should be one of our new board will look at the calendar, rather than because otherwise the new member or members isn't going to really u-part have been a part of that competition on the other hand you set the goals in August are the goals for that school year and it seems to me and I understand I was left in the middle of the year that they putting in a new coach at halftime which is really hard to do cuz you're in the middle of a budget cycle but in terms of setting the direction for the year that might be better in August and this year we are going to try to accomplish this. I prefer end of the year but I'll go with her any kind of back of the neck here December she said it was December of the kids it's hard to tell someone here is what you're going to follow when you weren't a part of the process number one board meeting in December where there's a large difference in annual for number two right now to go look at what else but in December or August 8th and 9th or we all kind of doing the homepage the first what is Ark survival standing was if I have a question for like doctor Wildey I drank my question through text to Rhonda like I wanted to talk to you and then bring you the 8 and I'm going to want to talk to you CC use different that I don't see see her I asked her directly. How you would what would you what are my options are because ultimately I've been built the bridge then and is responding to the board and stuff if you have a question about such a place for me to know that such a request what is it better being is fine to see if you would have been fine like I said if I asked about for July I couldn't the way you did it was fine but did you want it and I think he what does a supervisor does the say it's a layer down you want to have a conversation with me and see what on eating all that food program so here you would be female and Nancy and then he think Rena. To go directly to the shop but just be thing whatever their supervisor is as well as me it's a good thing I can sell cabinets what numbers are 8/8 a good page or different than mine cuz I'm okay everything up there Corning Corporation that very first sentence I would take out board vice-president I don't know what page wrong for one more meeting preparation section for board meeting separation the board vice president is I need one or two agenda-setter meetings and since then I have not which is perfectly fine but I would take board vice president out of that and I put forward vice-president under a so the board vice president for Fuller May participate in the agenda setting if you board president is not available and I have the same part I the same 7 a.m. section where it says out of courtesy to the superintendent I would put one possible at the beginning because I would really try to ask how my big questions when I read the Friday letter but then I only mentioned something or sorry I mentioned something I did that's something I really want to ask and I really want to know and I didn't give you a heads up right so I think when possible and if I have enough thank you hurt your leg possible we all means finding a hospital later on page six number seven right here I'm just thinking about it still under number 7 if I move it to the top paper she's saying it is at the very end and your love you want to move that it move it up so it's all possible in front of out of courtesy then you could get rid of them temperature right now and then Stephen on number 7 I had sent you a some sample language that's kind of long about about the quest and the plane got you with the staff issue do you want me to give you that paper back I can read it let me to read it tell me about whether I'm going off my draft room whenever we do it's originally so I had taken out I take a nap for the time sensitive ones and I can't recall the lighter looking at 17 I'll be honest I don't remember why I why I had to take it out of what I said to try to keep your questions to an assistant language I got from somewhere cheaper quick questions to clarify nature and each time is in each of the five board members question shop does not have the capability to answer 50 questions tend to remember for example the kickstand address several he was many questions can be answered by board members on their own from past agenda is csba issues policy neighboring District practices are Finance protocols executive assistant to the Boe is an excellent resource for members looking to do their own research also that is true with any board member concerns weather related to an agenda item or not no board member may ask individual questions that take more than two hours of Staff time without a knife without approval of the board so it's not that you can't do that but the idea is let's say it's two hours for Board number right on it so I should be in a Friday let a question I wouldn't say I'd like to know the history of Alba measures passed in LA county for The Last 5 Years and the interest rate they're getting in the projects that they're working on so I'm assuming people are fairly reasonable and are doing part I know. It's a little question that for example that would be a great fight a letter question because the business. Would have to be spending way more than 2 hours answering my question and if I really wanted to know I could do that research on my own or I could go to website where I could say hey is this something the whole world wants to know you know like at that meeting last week this is something that we want to know then then we would have cut that we would talk about that and agree that it is worth it. Time for that and the quest discussions for the Friday that are just terrible right there clarifying questions. To this guy could be able to answer them rather quickly I think that language came from another car protocol around the Friday weather 11th and then you write seven or eight paid Friday let her follow-up job hasn't had yeah I mean it's kind of covers it just board members will notify the superintendent or cabinet of a question about an error or a major concern about an open session items to avoid Lane got to go with the staff and we've all learned a lot from the training thing that you might happen to notice at the last minute which is totally fine but if you know something is incorrect that to let this afternoon ahead of time but I think that's language that tear looks like it kind of cover the same thing as everybody's better remind me to review the agenda for Hannah guys from every week because we're going to make it by any one person I know I get that board members will come to meetings well prepared reviewing staff update Britain, the agenda and meeting materials and a 10:30 meeting okay thank you have a good reminder on that same thing it's talking about some sent items and it says this these items are annual and customary renewals contracts and agreements may not be attached to the board agenda and so a question for Megan is how long does it take to attach it because my butt is it wouldn't take very long to attach it. the public who wants to see if you can see it and instead if you have three people who write you and you'll just have to just three individual emails but that would take longer so I don't I'm not sure where you are a bedroom / 9 attentively call contracts in agreement brought to the board for approval will be provided to the board and Friday updates to review prior to 4 I mean 9 to 7 that contract may not be attached they will be made available to the public upon request and for me I don't do your job at to me that sounds like more work than just attaching it. We always we always have Newell contracts are actually not at half because every knows yeah so and no one ever asked for them rarely animal Potter that's what it takes longer to attach it to the email from send it then it would have taken to put it on the board, said some items are some items some items are Anna and customary when they are our customary renewal if it doesn't make your job harder I know I like my sections by protocols during the board meeting I had the pleasure of Allegiance will be the Pledge of Allegiance crackhead quite a conversation on this it says we could text him and all the way down number 6 says the board superintendent cabinet members will use their names and titles and talk have a huge conversation about this in and I opposed the consensus was that we were now we address each other as board member 7 so we're right where is what number is what number is number six on it would be nice to have a norm is Linda is confusing but in other than that okay addressing each other on a first-name basis or do we want to use titles and it carries across the highway address cabinet varies across to how we address Oak cabinet at them I delivered cabinet it's important to use their titles because their titles reflect their they communicate something about the qualification for their roles my gut is for board member I would be fine with first names or Amber last name you know outside of the 70s but inside the building that's all I need that piece is real I think for the board I've gone back and forth and says I've tried to really stick to it there if there's a preference I'm open to changing habits you know I also like to create a little bit more of a casual fashion but I might could do you have an opinion about them you have to be consistent because if you use Sarah which Accord number Dean didn't people might be kind of adventurous what is to refer board member last name or your birthday and I have no preference on this one so you guys make the call what do you have a cockroach I can't do it so like I just going to say what I'm going to say like I can't I'm thinking about the issues I can't remember Quizlet title and what does it cost a month for your name so I can get that out like I just can't do it like fully into it has a board member Dean board member ready right number who comes from I probably can't even do that dr. I think it's a doctor's office called much worse 7 is fine going to cheer going to have to tell each other by choose what feels right to you and it doesn't necessarily need to be the same across each one I've been telling you so much back and forth that I think it be hot unless we went with first name I think it gets really difficult common practice is nice because it's hard otherwise what happens when you say Sarah here comes across as cuddly when keyboard number Dean it comes across as a little people can perceive it in a different way for the respect they thought that your dressing each other is a board member is a sign of your check so that's what we've been doing since October and it is a challenge to think about it I hope I M we so I'm willing to do whatever the bread in the Georgia and we're going to dress up games and title when addressing each other driver your Royal Highness I think they said just for when it's a horrible attempt to address the superintendent and cabinet members during board games .. And I will try my best you don't have to board member but I see what you're saying and maybe that's how I'm using them you do now that you point that out like everybody but what do you want me to delay her butt I've noticed it that it happens when someone try to make a Stern point where they you forward numbers don't like when your mom calls you you're in trouble document any I got going well for you. You okay number where I'm on to G my recommendation and this is just practice is that you should only abstain from something when you have a conflict in training not because a few conflicted on an issue or there's a lack of information if it's it's when you have a conflict of interest that's the only time you should of seen from an issue what is the should we take out conflicted with that information isn't because then you have to get the information right is it really so that's just my recommendation that you really only abstain if we're going or not Dana interesting if she has a dentist in school district is going to put dental clinics in and that she's kind of bored. I don't want to take a position on that so I'm going to try what about if I'm just coming up with that we have the alcohol permitting alcohol right I heard it to support the allowance of alcohol at the site I don't think right of the religious principle of what if somebody not myself but somebody was like I don't feel quiet my religious beliefs preclude me from voting on this so I don't want to hold up the whole board conflict of interest in either I think I'd like we had a board member who he actually ran out of schools Food Services Company and so whenever we have food service items he would recuse himself and he would leave when even even though most of the routine like the bread contractor. He would never participate in that even though we didn't contract company keeps so cuz that was his company was school food so he felt like it was always you know a conflict conflict of interest is pretty actually can Encompass Parts in a nursing home or all religion Financial put the cap back on and K-State has number 10 it says presentations at a boarding officer generally will be no more than three minutes so I'm going play me reports that a regular board meeting presentations are free and fair we are striving for 10-minute presentation I love consistent with the bylaws that is so we can try to get it to 5 is really hard but we try to do no more than 10 slides on a presentation on an informational I think 10 minutes we can leave at 10 45 and that way they're short is cost change that we don't have to him and yeah we don't have to cut out hard to try and redo free practice some of those presentations to try to get the try to work on the Talking Heads. nothing more than we need to securing concise and with the community must be here too and if something needs to be more than 10 minutes we can go in tomorrow is like that we haven't done with a long fuse that executive summary so written executive summary opening a presentation pick up another District you if there's more than I guess more narrative and contact for an item and the number 14 I have just one tiny typos it's like the last sentence in Roman numeral 5 or 14. The second or third to last sentence it says members should not comment on others board members I think Jimmy Elder Ford number what does RT mean what time is it order nothing in the role that I have a meeting of the call and turn the if if someone is interrupting or there's a motion and then a second motion happens if something that's just confusing I'll be like this it this is not on the agenda that's that's all I wanted to and then I wanted to 12 I just wanted to say that the brakes when I'm even done a really great job with that and when stars ask for a boy during an April I thought that you both handled that really really well and I thought that that went really smoothly in terms of where the items were and it just flowed well and a couple of times he had breaks for other reasons and whether it's a Visa we're celebrating our there's 50 people leaving the meeting at one time he was a celebration or something I thought you've done a great job both of you and in working on that I like that a lot in the middle of fire and it's the way. before and I thought that was a great way I think I brought that idea too and I think it's work it's work really nice. Just a few minutes you know it's not like we're there in extra hours in the middle or whatever it is if possible if you could give me a little heads up because sometime. Bring a zoom speaker in not realized at work going like the last time I feel like after which item a break is going to come because it depends on how the discussion is how's it going like that pattern has there been like a pattern like it's if we're going to hours or does that help take it straight looking at just looking at you and letting you know that all right page 90 last page you guys are y'all done I did have something on icon 15 on the top of page 9 ml to be by emailing the superintendent and poor board president their request so which one are you can't be Republican cat artwork by law it's okay that they can email in Fort Worth, so how did it work if I want to add a size Howard teaching hair braiding in our school so that's just my personal interest so how does that work so if I say outline that a little bit and then the board president and we look at you. You can talk about everything okay this is what we have coming up and what we're can we do it on a board agenda or should we put that board matter what is more chatter what is the best way to communicate about this it's not always in a board meeting and maybe and given the time constraints is through a Friday letter an update or another form so we're not going to agenda is also its Hair Braiding is a great example see when it is and I care rating than the board president I say okay sorry that's your item and you were to go see doctor while. recipe on Hair Braiding and then and then he would bring that to the board and the board to decide if we wanted to do for the work on the topic of hair braiding or do we just say thank you for bringing this to us and we're not interested in discussing here risking any friends sorry to be late for this site by cuentos it let's just say I in the party agenda publicly say I would like to Jen dyes Hair Braiding right now so then what would that is a board president going to communicate with me or is it perhaps connect with the cabinet is up to the bar as he handed them another way. be straightforward math curriculum is covered by board policy right but Hair Braiding that may take a little bit more of a discussion but it might get address in a different way is it worth it that then either president or is everything it would connect with the board member and suggest quiet you know where collagen you've made this request and then you know channeling them to the first the board member or some other Avenue and put him back to see it have to be I mean and I can't even remember the first time we would have dressed her toward me so how do we how do we communicate stop by to get the Community member now that's showing up and demanding that we talked about Hair Braiding and repeat repeat keeps showing up so that would look like we have a list of all those picture of Gemini. a 10. I think there's a column that says exactly how it's going to care for either at which board meeting is being addressed if it's gone and I cried a letter if it's going to know AC meeting because we just there's so many I never found that picture again I couldn't possibly go through all of them would have because every time we set an agenda item stop resources and time right so what if it's an issue that we don't have our consensus for like the board we do the majority of the board doesn't feel like it's an important topic yeah I know that simple words to actually bring for the list and have their board vote on them and so they would say Okay Hair Braiding let's get aboard boat with it, how do you feel about drinking then forward and then everybody vote and you take a note on our break just let me know when you can meet you also still have the right to put a antenna that it would be no preparation so it would say item for Hair Braiding board member requests after he mean they requested then dies Hair Braiding what is it that you want the board to discuss or talk about French braids or whatever kind of thank you the money and in the board with us we should work on this topic we want to bring this forward as a class for the district or for the rest of the board with saying we don't want to use the resources for this but you're still I love the opportunity to bring forth your items and spell it right in the store tonight to the rest of the boar is that you see if there is consensus so it came up a couple of board members look up remember there was a topic that she wanted and it was something that involved time and the general consensus weather and it was getting clarification on what she wanted cannot remember the topic and the board was said it was very respectful said at this time we don't feel like that is a good used to stop resources how did that happen so it was a did it happen during the future agenda to what you're looking for a job. It is a board meeting if it was something cuz it was something that would involve two hours of work. How I'm supposed to know so you can put it under the bridge and I be under discussion action I think that's a better why don't you bring the whole list forward and that way if there's something that's questionable then that could be put under discussion action for a discussion of whether we even want to bring it as an agenda item and have to stop why does puppies important item but please can hair braided we want to know more about what you want to know about her by just providing we can pick out a later on guessing games for Hair Braiding what exactly are you looking for what are you hoping to get out of this item okay but in that that's part that's part of it too and then we've also had one time I came by because you're not but I know there was an issue where a Community member wanted us to a job as a resolution that the Community member had prepared and that's not that's not under the board's jurisdiction that we can discuss the not pick up. But that doesn't mean any member is not going to present a resolution for us to to discuss that we would discuss the topic and then the board will decide do we want to have a resolution that we would write with our legal counsel not we would are you sad that so so again. I think they're under sometimes and it's just educating community members that like you could request that topic but not not in the course of action it's just a general sense of relief that steer them back to a meeting and we sent them and said this topic has already been covered this year to where it was covered including the length where or this is not really interested at the Port however please see our website here and you'd like to set up a meeting with the superintendent so there's a couple different letter so where do we have it in writing that all policies and resolutions will come from dinner. if we don't have that I think we should work but it's just it's just I don't know there's just a lot of things that are deceptive where would where there's no policy that says 30 member cannot issue reservations on behalf of the district Facebook or write them down. I can see the writing as stupid as to whether the policy says how about a reservation yeah several times if I remember right instead of the topic and so the board decides the action is the idea not 6 mini number to be hoping for that topic absolutely and then before I decide if we're going to bring forth what that would look like understand because he would never know that he would need legal counsel to advise on let me see. We have to go back and look and see what it says as far as he can bring forth. feeling it might say it yet by people in the community we had one last year as well anything on visiting stuff I South Carolina Section 8 Minecraft that are very very very helpful in setting those are the last thing I have you looked at 9 at work just got three minutes of time but as the plane in calendar so maybe we'll revisit we started with the board goals of study session and we have had that on for August that there was some discussion earlier in the meeting about having it in December Irish air from a staph perspective it makes more sense from an academic calendar have gold set in the fall for the year or even in summer or spring or summer for the following year then to do something big here because the ball that kind of driving what happened the title people are pretty patience trying to lock up the are not in maybe not the energy isn't there thinking ahead and so you go off in summer in, you all would have time to think about what you might want to be fine for Kohl's in August that was okay with her anything. their butt looks like they want to move in orchid care a bunch of sympathy tahs is beyond the community relations hhgregg pkhs a graduation graduation in high school graduate would that be under community relations so why would graduations the other Effective Government yeah sounds like cool as opposed to community have an effective governance perhaps January or February when it's New Year's what numbers are until every year but that's a good reason to pick January or February what about the self-evaluation look up something that they would like to see on an annual I still got fishes for us coming from diving never done it but I think you where is it right now on the charger and everything. Every two right every other year but if you have new board members coming on I could see value in doing it anyway I like it anyway especially if we're setting goals around then too so maybe there is also a room where are you sitting at this month Tiffany necklace portal setting session well I think given that we're just get it and may we may want to try to keep it in the spring play Morning Bell how to say it cuz I feel like board self evaluation kind of what's the tide in the Super Nintendo mini like you're thinking about performance over the year and fooling yourselves account a self-improvement so Ticket Clinic and it should take less time next year cuz next year you skim it and change the two things that bug you. remember this is a living document we can always go wrong give me a few days under admin services I don't think there should be more under facilities I don't know it just seems a little but maybe they're stuck and we do that Summerfest sports update B is there something in the spring that happens that we want to look at his facilities may be anticipated summer project for review like maybe the board wants to lay in our plan and summer projects in middle of a question that came out and budgeting in March budget plan for the summer under effective governance in November should we put a e c government November we do we put it in our I don't see that conference and there's also that PDF end of the year event I can cover this week for me unfortunately this project meeting at the same time and I let him know, but I'm not supposed to in my feelings I wonder on it seems strange to have admin services and Facilities separate cuz admin services in the division so maybe we want to include facilities within admin services and just calling to see if I like all the way in La for this pathetic call Kenny. Breakthrough what about can we add hear what you started this year are we started this year of the honoring award for the second time that like staff employee employee recognition of the year baby under Human Resources right and resources and so the time is now 1:04 and the meeting is adjourned mr. Weird
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