Title 1 School-Parent Compact for Student Achievement
The School-parent Compact is a written agreement between teachers and parents and provides an opportunity to create new partnerships in our school communities. It is a document that explains what families and schools can do to help children reach high academic standards of excellence. District’s receiving Title 1 funds are required to develop a compact. The compact serves as a clear reminder to all stakeholders’ of the responsibility to take action at school and at home so that children can attain the state’s academic achievement standards. It is a written commitment indicating how all members of a school community—parents, teachers, principals, students, and concerned community members—agree to share responsibility for improved student achievement.
The underlying assumption is that a student’s academic success will improve when the home and school work together. Overall, if the agreement is taken seriously and implemented effectively, it will assure that there will be support for the academic success of all students by enhancing effective communications between school and home. Once developed, the compact can serve as a valuable tool to effectively and meaningfully engage the school and the home in supporting the academic development and needs of all students.
To that end, the District embraces and encourages parents and teachers to work together to make sure all students reach or exceed grade-level standards.