Palos Verdes Peninsula Unified School District

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Math FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Math Assessment and Placement Process:
Are there opportunities for students to accelerate in mathematics?
Yes. PVPUSD provides opportunities and access to advanced mathematics courses for students, while maintaining sound principles at all levels. Mathematics instruction has become increasingly sophisticated, and students must have a solid foundation before moving on to higher-level courses. PVPUSD also realizes that opportunities to advance are valued by the community and will remain in place for our students. The established course sequencing provides opportunities for all students to be successful and reach advanced levels of mathematics in high school. Board Policy 6152.1: Placement in Mathematics Courses
What does PVCM stand for?
Palos Verdes Core Math
What does MCR stand for?
Meets College Requirements (all MCR courses are UC approved.)
Is it mandatory for students to be accelerated in mathematics?
No. Students will have choice and opportunities to reach advanced levels of mathematics on any course sequence.
Are there any additional course options for a student who struggles in mathematics?
The Essentials of Algebra sequence distributes Algebra 1 content over two years. After successful completion of the Essentials of Algebra program students may then enroll in a Geometry course. This sequence is in place to support students and ensure they will meet high school graduation requirements.
When can a student take AP Statistics?
Students can take AP Statistics with completed or concurrent enrollment in Algebra 2 Honors or Algebra 2.
When can a student take AP Computer Science?
Students can take AP Computer Science once they have completed Geometry or Geometry Honors with a grade of B or better.
What is the mathematics prerequisite for Chemistry 1?
For current Grade 8 students and beyond, Chemistry 1 or Chemistry 1 Honors will require completed or concurrent enrollment in Geometry.
Are teachers properly trained to teach the California State Standards?
All PVPUSD teachers are highly-qualified, credentialed teachers. Professional development is being provided to support teachers to meet the expectations of instruction under the new state standards and improve teaching and learning in all classrooms for all students.